Those running linux: Qemu dosn't work quite right with this, but VirtualBox is ok.

You can get a disk image of the floppy for all this from
boot up,
if the software asks for a date, just hit enter.
you get the prompt  a:/>
type  qbasic
hit escape to deny help, we dont need no help :)

Program 1:

type in the following
PRINT "Hello world"

press alt to get to the menu,
use the arrow keys to get to run, select start and hit enter

In this program:

Program 2:

print "Enter your name mortal ";
input name$
print "I will try to remember to not kill you "; name$

In this program:

Program 3:

print "Enter your name mortal ";
input name$
if name$ = "master" then goto sorry
print "I will try to remember to not kill you "; name$
print "Oh its you, sorry master."

In this program:

Program 4:

print "Enter your name mortal ";
input name$
for n = 1 to 10
print "KILL "; name$

next n

This program:

Program 5:

print "Enter your name mortal ";
input name$
for n = 1 to 10
print "KILL "; name$

gosub stall
next n

for d = 1 to 1000
next n

This program:

Stop for a min!

ok, our programs are getting bigger and a little harder to read because of it.
We need to start using spacing to keep the code kinda readable, otherwise it all globs into a mess.
One of the things its good to do, is to push over code that is either in a repeat loop or conditional or on their own.

print "Enter your name mortal ";
input name$
for n = 1 to 10
   print "KILL "; name$

   gosub stall
next n

   for d = 1 to 1000
   next n

this way, its easier to see what is "in" what. It gets more important when your programs get complex

for a = 10 to 1 step -1
for b = 5 to 8
for c = 20 to 30 step 2
print "calculating matrix ";a;"x";b;"x";c
next c
next b
next a

for a = 10 to 1 step -1
   for b = 5 to 8
    for c = 20 to 30 step 2
      print "calculating matrix ";a;"x";b;"x";c
    next c
  next b
next a

See how you can tell a bit easier what is being repeated by what?

screen 9
line (0,0)-(100,100)