How (not) to store gasoline in a lightbulb. Do not do this at home.

fartface says:

Oh come on, a used solder pot is like $20.00 on ebay.

Tomorrow on lifehacker, how to store gasoline in lightbulbs!

  • rue_mohr says:

    your on!

and so, here we go!


> Find an acceptable lightbulb, option A isn't worth it, option B is a little better.


> Mark a good spot to cut the bulb at, make sure its a nice line all the way around.


> Use a file to make a groove all the way around the bulb, using the edge of a file.


> The next part is to fracture the glass along the groove, this lightbulb is quartz, so its thermal expansion is minimal. Normal glass you could just take a soldering gun to, but this one requires we get a bit meaner. I'v used a torch to heat up the seam, and them hit it with water to shock it.... Fail, the fractures did not follow the groove.


> A bit of tapping on it leads to the inevitable failure I was seeking. The remaining internal peice contains the mercury... did I mention that yet? Anyhow, it goes to work, we have a disposal facility... I did this at night, sorry. The glass is thicker than I thought, next time (?) a deeper groove would be a good idea.


> A pair of needlenose pliers, gradually used to chew back the terrible cut edge went reasonably well, less the big crack that started, but that ok, I can fuse that closed with my propane/oxy torch, which I'm gonna hit it with anyway to dispose of these dangerous edges.


> Take a high temp torch and melt a nice seam around the edge, and flow that crack back togethor... FAIL.


> In goes the gasoline! I found a nice pipe coupling to hold it up. I had wanted a nice top edge to accomidate a cork, oh well.


> Field adjustments: Everything in this project went exactly as bad as I documented.

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