Flashing led
In this test we make sure the processor is working, its basically a
sanity test.
We are using avrdude to program the avr, the following command will set
up the avrs config fuses properly for this project.
1) With your programmer hooked up to the avr, run the command
avrdude -p m32 -U lfuse:w:0xEF:m -U hfuse:w:D9:m
2) Download some flashy led code:
You can see the files here if
you wish
3) Unzip and compile the flashy led code:
> tar -xzvf Flashing_led.tgz
> cd Flashing_led
> make
You should have a file called main.hex when its done.
4) Upload the program to the avr
> make install
And with that, your LED should be flashing.