d rewrite filefilter to use new accumulator methods d edit vif to be buffered d add property read/write to vif d rewrite displayfilter to use contentfilter d write PropAccumulator d write a PropFilter capable of displaying cursors - unify object return types, e.g. error return types should be CESError_t - write a baseclass with the following: char * ObjectName foo ObjextIdentity // from a magic hat --------------------------------------------- d add sizing/resizing methods to accumulator i rewrite method for sizing accumulator. - add save method to filefilter? d create Content filter ? editor test - create keyboard object - write code for a window - redo vif to inherite from a base class - make a filter manager - add information to filters for plugability - demo as editor level 1 - add command line options. ----- Questions ----------- d should the accumulator handle reads and writes? (probably) -