/************************************************************ * * CES object descriptions, not the only description, but by * far the best yet. * * Dan Williams, Jul 2002. * * ChangeLog: * Jul 3 2002 Created, Dan Williams * ************************************************************/ Accumulator: >Hold and provide access to data used for result(saved file). - insert/remove data D from offset N - report size PropAccumulator: >Hold and provide access to 'props' (data that is not used for the result (saved data)) - create/destroy prop - set/get prop attributes - query position N for props MagicHat: >Generate unique identifications numbers. - get number - free number VIF: >Abstraction of display device. - set/get character string S at X,Y with attributes Z - redraw (for buffered) ContentFilter: >Translate accumulator data to screen positions. >manage the inserting and deleting of content. (via spanned cursor) - set/get accumulator - set/get cursor position - set/get cursor span - set/get string S to/from cursor - find offset N to position X,Y (absolute and relitive) - find X,Y of offset N PropFilter: >Translate PropAccumulator data to screen attributes at positions, same level as displayfilter. - set/get map entry N - swap Entry N with M - delete map entry N - set/get VIF - set/get PropAccumulator - set/get top-left X,Y (should match displayfilter...) - set/get size X,Y (should match displayfilter...) - draw DisplayFilter: >Take data from a contentfilter and display a limited amount of it on a VIF. - set/get VIF - set/get accumulator - set/get top-left X,Y - set/get size X,Y - draw FileFilter: >Translate data between the accumulator and a file. - set/get filename - set/get accumulator - load/save file to/from accumulator NetworkFilter: >Provide access to a remote accumulator. This should simulate the methods of a local accumulator ~~~ NetworkAccumulator: >Accumulator with the abilities to be accessed via a TCP port. ~~~ PythonScripter: >Python engine interface to create, tie togethor, and filter data between CES objects. ~~~